If you are creating ANY type of media-based product...books, artwork, ecom products, etc. you likely need written text and art...and a LOT of it. And, if you are like most entrepreneurs, you are familiar with the stressful (and at times expensive) content creation routine:
Need art created for a book or project?
• Use Public Domain art
• Purchase stock art
• Hire an artist
• Create the art yourself
Need written content on a specific topic?
• Find Public Domain content to use and tweak
• Research the topic and then craft it into a presentable written article.
• Record yourself talking and then transcribe (don't forget the editing process)
• Hire a writer on Fivver or Upwork.
While THAT has been the routine we have ALL had to embrace, I am here today to tell you that our Art Creation and Writing options are RADICALLY changing!
How exactly is our content creation changing?
New bleeding-edge technologies being developed using AI-Based systems are rewriting our options for creating stunning, believable art and writing!